Rasmus was rather soft-spoken and politely answered my questions. Maybe it was the language barrier that hampered our conversation slightly. But one thing was for evident - his passion for SMiLE! His eyes would light up in almost childlike excitement every time I would mention a little significant piece of SMiLE trivia that had made its way into the film.
The DUMB ANGEL FAIRY TALE is really a remarkable film and hopefully will see some kind of "official" release. However, in the interim Rasmus did say to write this address if you had any questions:
Rasmus Skotte
INTERVIEW E.C.: Tell me about DAFT productions? Rasmus: It's just a name really for this project. E.C.: You are planning to do more films for DAFT? Rasmus: Yeah, I hope so. E.C.: You said that the project took about two years? Rasmus: Yeah, from the preparation until now. E.C.: Who came up with the script? Rasmus: That was a teamwork between the three of us [Jesper Madsen, Lars Kjelfred & Rasmus Skotte.] The first year…of course from the storyline taken from the Fairy Tale [Mount Vernon and Fairway] and combined it with the SMiLE songs and then added our own love story. E.C.: Using the names like 'brother John' from "Surf's Up"… Rasmus: Margarita… E.C.: Yeah, and Henry from the 'Rock me Henry' version of "Wonderful"? Rasmus: Yeah… E.C.: How long did it take to find the actors? You held auditions? Rasmus: About a month before we decided. E.C.: And the actors knew it wasn't a paying gig? Rasmus: Yes, and they were ready to lose two weeks of their summer vacation. E.C.: So, it took two weeks of filming? Rasmus: Yeah, the indoor scenes…and then we took several weekends and evenings for the next shots. E.C.: So you filmed in the summer? Rasmus: Summer…July, August, and September. E.C.: Where was it filmed? Rasmus: On location outside of Copenhagen. E.C.: Where did you find that SMiLE shop that looked exactly like the one on the original album cover? Rasmus: That took some searching for it…we toured around to find a shop with the right dimensions and the entry. It even had the wooden frame we needed. E.C.: Did you have to add the curtain? Rasmus: Yeah, that was us. It was a 'recycle' shop and we borrowed it for a weekend and removed all the clothing and put in our designs. E.C.: I know that when I put this article out everyone's gonna want to know where they can get it! Rasmus: For the time being they have to book the film and we have to travel around to screen it for them. E.C.: What about the various film festivals? Rasmus: Oooh, maybe that would be a chance for us. E.C.: And there is no website? Rasmus: No, not yet. We haven't had the time. E.C.: Because the internet is so vital in this day and age - maybe you could show some stills from the film on a website? Rasmus: Maybe even put the "Vega-tables" video on it. E.C.: Yes! That is a great video, it uses all the imagery from the song! Do you have any cover-artwork for the project yet? Rasmus: No, we don't. E.C.: But what about the "SMiLE flag" used in the film? Rasmus: Oh yes, we have that, still photos. E.C.: Are you hoping to get the film released on DVD? Rasmus: Yeah, that would be great, but of course we have to sort out the copyright situation. E.C.: The film starts with some interviews with people who saw the film in London (February, 2004) and one of the people you interviewed was David Leaf. He didn't bring up any of the legalities? Rasmus: No he didn't. E.C.: Did he say if he thought that Brian Wilson would like it? Rasmus: Yeah, he thought maybe he would…but of course you never know. E.C.: So are you going to get a copy to Brian and try and get his permission? Rasmus: Yeah, that would be nice. Maybe his next European tour we can have a chance to show it to him.